planned giving

What if you could leave a lasting gift that could literally transform your favorite charity?

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing? That’s exactly what your membership in the Ed Austin Legacy Society will do. One hundred years from now, your planned gift could be funding major capital expenses and renovations to help keep the Jones Center a first class venue!

When Bernice Young Jones opened the Jones Center in 1995, she wanted all of us to become a part of it when she couldn’t be here any longer. If she were alive today, we truly believe she would be so proud to see such wide support for her vision of a center ‘where all are welcome’. Now, we have the opportunity to carry her legacy of caring for the community forward. Your investment in the Jones Center will help ensure that our facilities continue to operate at the high standard of quality that our patrons have come to expect and enjoy. 

We would like the opportunity to visit with you and your family about how rewarding leaving a planned gift can be. There are many options; it can be by will, trust, gift annuity, life estate or life insurance. We’re here to help guide you through the gift process. 

Please consider a lasting gift to the Jones Center. One that can continue to improve the quality of life for all in Northwest Arkansas! We need you to maintain the legacy!

Through outright donations or “planned gifts,” you can support organizations that make an important difference in your community. Typically, donors give to make a difference, leave a legacy or to leverage other’s gifts. Gifts of all sizes are important, and what better way to support the people or organization that you believe in? Charitable giving is not only for the wealthy!

Planned giving can also be an effective way to control the distribution of one’s estate in a way that makes the most sense for that individual, their family and the organizations they wish to continue to support. Some people who feel strongly about an organization choose to leave it an endowment to cover the annual gifts that they will no longer making. Many donors choose to leave 90% of their assets to their family and heirs, giving the last 10% to the organizations that were meaningful to them.

Funding the future of The Jones Center

Donations to the Jones Center are an important source of revenue and are key to the Center’s ability to continue important education and recreation programming in the Northwest Arkansas community. Planned gifts are an excellent way to leave a legacy that will help assure the future for the Jones Center. 

If you do plan to include the Jones Center in your estate, please consider joining our Ed Austin Legacy Society so that we can thank you for your gift. Inspired by Ed Austin Naberhaus, the first supporter to make a significant planned gift to the Center, Ed Austin was a strong believer in enriching and improving the lives of others. 

+ Click here to read more about this amazing story of an ordinary man with an extraordinary heart.

Bequests in a Living Trust or Will

The easiest and most popular way to make a planned gift is through a bequest in your will or living trust. Bequests allow individuals to make significant gifts that they may not have been able to make during their lifetime. Bequests can also generate significant estate tax deductions. When you make a charitable bequest, you retain ownership of your property during your lifetime and have the flexibility to change your living trust or will if your circumstances or family needs change. If you do choose to include The Jones Center in your will, please make sure you that you correctly identify The Jones Center by name.

+ Click here to download sample language here.

Strategies for Planned Giving

Typically based on assets instead of income, planned gifts afford excellent estate planning opportunities, ways to minimize taxes and flexibility in distribution to family and charity. There are a number of different gifting strategies that an individual may choose depending on his or her individual situation, and we have summarized some below. You may wish to visit with an estate attorney or qualified financial advisor to determine what will work best for you and your family, particularly as the tax regulations continue to evolve.

Giving Retirement Funds 

Qualified retirement plan assets (such as those in an IRA, 401k, Keough or pension plan) often represent a major portion of one’s estate. Retirement plan benefits are subject to federal estate taxes and can give rise to a substantial income-tax liability to the beneficiary who receives them. Due to special tax considerations that apply to these plans, funding a testamentary charitable gift to the Jones Center could be a good move.  Directing qualified retirement benefits to the Jones Center, while directing other assets without income-tax consequences to family or other non-charitable beneficiaries, can increase the benefits to all. Other double tax assets that make wonderful testamentary charitable gifts include U.S. Savings Bonds and commercial annuities.

Life Insurance 

Many people own some form of life insurance but the original needs for financial protection may no longer exist. The policy itself may be gifted to The Jones Center, enabling you to make a substantial gift for a relatively modest annual outlay. You will receive a charitable deduction for the premiums that you continue to pay on the policy. And, a gift of a paid-up policy can result in a substantial current income-tax deduction.  Alternatively you may choose to maintain maximum flexibility by naming The Jones Center as the beneficiary of your policy, without giving up ownership. 

Life-Income Plans  

A life-income plan allows you to make a substantial gift to the Jones Center and still provide for your personal financial needs. There are several types of plans which combine life income payments for you and/or your designated beneficiaries and create a gift to the Jones Center at their conclusion. One of these plans may be appropriate for you if you are seeking substantial tax benefits and wish to increase cash flow to you and/or your beneficiaries, depending on the type of asset contributed. 

Charitable Remainder Trusts

When you establish a charitable remainder trust, you transfer cash or appreciated property to a trust administered by a trustee of your choice. The trust pays an income to you or your chosen beneficiary(ies) for life or for a specified term of up to 20 years. At the death of the last surviving beneficiary or upon termination of the term of years, the trust principal is given to the Jones Center designated to programs you wish to support. There are two types of charitable remainder trusts: the Charitable Remainder Unitrust and the Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust.

Charitable Lead Trust The charitable lead trust takes a different approach. It preserves the asset for later distribution to you or your designated beneficiaries while allowing the Jones Center to benefit from the investment return during the time allotted. The lead trust provides a series of payments to the Jones Center for a period of time, after which the property either reverts to the donor or passes to the donor's family. There are two types of charitable lead trusts: the grantor lead trust and the more often used family lead trust. Under the grantor lead trust, the trust assets are returned to you at the end of the trust term. Under the family lead trust, the assets remaining in the trust are distributed to your family, usually children or grandchildren, at the end of the trust term.

Gifts of Real Estate and Other Assets 

Another option is to make a gift of your personal residence or farm to The Jones Center, and retain the right to the property for your life.  Under this approach you may continue to occupy the residence or operate the farm without disruption. Your gift of a remainder interest in a personal residence or farm provides you with a current income tax charitable deduction for the present value of the remainder interest and permits you to escape any potential capital-gain tax on the built-in appreciation in the property. You also remove the asset from estate tax. A personal residence may include a condominium or vacation home. Other assets that may be given include stocks, bonds, vehicles, art and jewelry. Such gifts typically provide tax savings. You can receive calculations and illustrations of charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and other planned gifts as a free service of the Jones Center. Please contact the development team.

For more information, please contact the Jones Center development team.